Hehe! The start of my long awaited break! Although gt some errands in the morning, but at least no need to wake up early.. :)
this weekend is going to b so fun! I gt free tics to F1 on sun! Hehe! All thanks to my bro!:D i have never been to an event like this b4! That's why so excited! Lucky I on leave, if not, I sure die in office on mon! Haha
wanted to load pics of the tics up but somehow I cannot do it! Hmm..

A bit overdue! but congrads! :)
very excited to b part of it! :) I hope to see little Alvins and Stephs popping out soon wor~! muahaha!

another random afternoon with my boy boy~! really cherishing the time that we get to spend together.. :D although routine but was fun spending time with u! :)
finally my long-awaited break is coming soon~, will really appreciate the break! :) work has becoming tiring le.. need some time off to re-fuel myself..
going to get my hands on my baby tml!! :) can't wait!
boyfren dun b jealous wor! u also have your baby! hehe..
the phone call totally made my day! :D
:) another fulfiling weekend spent with my boy boy! :)
went to night cycling together.. think we have not gone cycling before.. hehe, actually quite excited about it though.. however, i think i scared boyfren with my horror stories about my cycling skills.. haha..
it was quite fun though, really long time never really sweat it out le.. hehe.. i honestly think that my cycling skills have improved but i dun think my boy boy and his frens agree with me.. haha.. the route was similar to the night cycling 2 years ago with some minor alterations.. i would not know cos we went back halfway through.. mainly i din wan to get wet due to the rain that came suddenly..
i am really lucky to have my boy boy with me right now.. :) this is the probably the first time that i have been given the feeling that i really impt to a certain someone.. :)
feel so blissful! hehe!
On a side note, i have went to pick up my new specs! haha, now i look very nerdy with my new black specs.. haha.. like what my boy boy said, more ben ben looking... haha.. quite happy with this purchase! if i cut my hair with bangs, it will probably complete the look!
Can weekend dun end???