Monday, March 30
Had lunch with my colleagues on fri despite the very busy schedule that my team has.. wanted to eat pasta, but we were attracted by Harry's one for one lunch promotion.. haha, without saying further, we stepped into the restaurant.. it was rather worth it, as we had 7 ppl and 8 main course was ordered, some of us had desserts and soup, it just adds up to 12 per person.. that's super worth it! :)
the conversation during lunch was also damn interesting.. haha.. although it is a bit X-rated.. *shrugs* what can u expect from a bunch of stressful ladies who slogged their lives at work.. hahahhaa..
went to outback steakhouse on fri for dinner cos we had a $20 dollars voucher.. :) actually we also have the tony romas discount voucher but when we see the Q, it was horribly long.. :( think we will have to wait till midnight b4 we can have a bite for any food if we chose tony romas.. somemore cannot make reservations... somemore boyfren having a craving for steak, so we headed straight to tony romas.. :) lucky it was not too crowded over there..

TGIF's and can enjoy gd food face(which i did)! haha..

the bread that comes before the main course! *yum yum*
However, i still prefer the kind of bread similar to the ones given out in cafe cartel.. :)

haha, going to murder boyfren if he dares to do anything funnie.. haha..
(boyfren said cannot post any pics of his cos he looked too chui le..)

my black pepper steak!

Boyfren's sirloin steak!
after dinner, we went back to his house to watch marley and me.. haha, as usual on our way back, we always got distracted along the way.. hehe.. the end result is this! (also 2 pairs of shorts at cotton on... haha!)

our new pet.. something i can hug! hehe..
liked a lot! but the ending was very sad.. :( it just feels so hard to let something that has been in your life for so long go.. mayb that's y a lot of ppl do not keep pets after their previous one passed away? it is just so painful to relieve that feeling once again...
woke up late on sat, therefore was late for my appt to cut my hair.. as the stylist was fully booked all the way till 6, i have to wait for her to be free in between to cut my hair.. :S *sigh* then becos of this, we cannot really booked any time for the "confessions of a shopholic" ... was damn frustrated with myself and the turnout of the matters... keep snapping at boyfren.. :( feels so bad... anyway, we booked the 4.15 show and my haircut was done just in time.. :) even managed to have time to get a drink and a quick bite b4 the show.. in the end, all went well after that.. :)
went to boyfren's house again as he gt family gathering so cannot stay too late outside.. met up with his uncles and aunties and little cousins.. haha.. quite fun to be with! haha.. simple food, simple company, that's all it matters! :)
Thursday, March 26
today is the "forget" day.. :( left my phone at home when i leave for work.. me being a person that cannot live without her phone, have to go home and take, regardless how far i had travelled.. :S after taking my phone, i left my keys at home... and everyone had to reach home later then i do.. *sigh* went to do my nails during the waiting time... to end off my day, i have to leave my hair clip in office when i needed it most at home... -_-"
What a "great" day...
having conflicting feelings... gloating over something that i should not be doing so.. but i cannot help it.. am i evil???
Sunday, March 22
spent a lazy weekend with my boyboy.. :) the weather also very inducing to stay at home and do nothing.. :D

Another carebear to the collection.. :D

my boyboy! took when he is not aware.. :D he said he looked quite chui, no ah.. :D
Then in the evening, boyboy's cousin came over with his parents to bring boyboy's mom for dinner.. haha, a chubby little boy.. :D

haha, he is quite cute.. very vocal just like any other kid.. will probably see him again next week when there is a family gathering at boyboy's house.. :)
a well-rested weekend prepare me for the coming hectic week.. :)
Saturday, March 14
went out with SBS mates for dinner.. *hee*
was late meeting them cos went to find my boy boy at the IT show! bought him and his fren bubble tea, to replenish his energy level abit.. :D it was damn crowded, i think 80% of Singapore is there? can bearly move at times.. :S really nice to meet up with them cos we were rather busy lately.. Then we went to TCC to chill, thanks to Fish!

the only pic of the day! hehe, they were all complaining that my blog is only for one person to read.. *bleah* okie lah, post a pic then u all can admire it.. haha.. :p
on a happier note, we booked accommodation for our BKK trip! :D now that everything is settled, just need to worry about how much to bring.. haha! must save and save! hehe, looking forward to the proposed KK trip too! hey guys, better confirmed soon wor~ since we have the proposed dates le..
tata~ shopping and mj session later! :D
Monday, March 9
almost everyone watched marley and me!! *hpmh*
i wan to watch! where is my boyboy to pei me?? :(
Sunday, March 8
mayb i worry too much? when u suddenly dun reply my msg / ans my calls, esp at this hour, my tots imm ran wild..
u said u are about to reach home, then no news, can u imagine how scary that can be? my heart suddenly beat faster and i feel a chill running down my spine..
was such a relief to hear that nothing bad had happened, at the same time upset that you never said that you are going to buy supper.. my mind kept on drifting to the bad scenarios.. :(
i guess i worry too much when u said what could have happened.. mayb i am too possessive le..
Saturday, March 7
this week has been a horrible week at work.. :(
alot of things have happened.. and i also dun know where to start.. everyday u go to work, there will be drama unfolding somewhere.. being the most junior in the dept, there is nothing i can do at all.. it is such a helpless feeling.. :( all i can do is to do my work with a 100% accuracy and not screwed up anything.. *sigh*
when will things become better? i just hope the coming week will b a better one..
on a nicer note, have seen many reviews on "Marley and me".. it seems like a show with a sad ending.. :( so sad..
planned to go watch with my boyboy.. :) hope it is a nice show! :D
so fast it is sat again.. how i wish weekend is not ending so soon!
Monday, March 2
Saw this colourgenics test on Sean's blog..
You are a very emotional and sensitive individual. Your life and love of life is dominated by your emotions - you have great feeling towards your fellow man and you are always full of enthusiasm but be careful, you tend to let your heart rule your head and this being so, you could be easily hurt - as perhaps you may have indeed been hurt in the past.
You are very talented, imaginative and sensitive but you are holding back as you do not really like going it 'on your own'. In preference you would like to team up with someone, someone with similar attributes as your own, to explore - to seek out and go perhaps 'where no other man has trod before'. It is the unusual that attracts you and which will give you a sense of excitement and adventure.
It is amazing that you yourself believe that old 'adage' that you are a misunderstood person - and you feel that because of this you are being left out in the cold. It is because of this lack of believed understanding that you feel the need to conform to society in general - but this situation leaves you 'cold' knowing that you are not appreciated for your true self. Any relationship that you are developing at this time does not seem to involve any true emotional commitment, you seem to be just playing along.
It is said that we are all influenced by our environment and indeed you are no exception. It would seem at this time that even though you may be surrounded by people, you are experiencing an inner loneliness. Fortunately you are sufficiently strong minded to realise that life has a great deal to offer you and that you may miss your share of experiences if you fail to make the best use of every opportunity. You therefore pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity and are prepared to commit yourself deeply and readily. You believe that whatever you would like to do or think 'you can do' - you do! It is because of this attitude that you may be considered by others as arrogant and even conceited, but its fair to say that whatever it is that you really want out of life you will put your heart and soul into it and will not take 'NO' for an answer.
There is an inherent fear that you may be prevented from achieving the things you want. This activates your subconscious desire for peace of mind and mental security. It is increasingly obvious to you that the environment that you are in is not conducive to your well-being and so you are seeking fresh fields - somewhere free of conflict where you can RELAX and THINK.
I dun know how true it is..
Sunday, March 1
so exciting! we are fighting to book our air tics online b4 the promotions end on the very same day at this very moment, it seems as though there are many complications... :S
nvm! shall persevere! i dun believe our luck! :) i'm so looking forward to our trip together! :) yay!