it was really touching when you said that.. even though i never said it right away, it does not mean that i take it for granted..
Thanks! :)
Despite the damn lousy day on Xmas, it becomes better on boxing day! :)

*falling into the evil trap of branded bags..
On a side note, what's Xmas without a log cake! haha..

Merry Xmas everyone!
supposed to b a special Xmas, but it din turn out to b the way i tot it would b.. gt nothing to say..
*the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment..
This is the 300th post! :) it has been a long time since i last updated.. a lot have happened for the past few days.. :P
went to my manager's place for Xmas gathering! her house is so so so big! :) damn pretty and windy!!

She stays on the 22rd floor, a bit scary when u looked down from her balcony..

Me and my colleague, Nadi.. a very sweet girl who loves cats! :)

They even have a Xmas tree! :)

It is actually a penthouse.. they can assess the roof top! so cool! imagine u can bbq here and see your children running about... what a life!

Both my managers! :)

The food!

This is actually also for our celebration, that we hit our monthly target! :) Woohoo~! So Julie (the one with the kid) bought Champagne to celebrate.

We took damn a lot of pics! haha..

Noticed how my face is so red.. i only drank a glass of champagne.. *bleah*

My manager even prepared a log cake! what's a xmas without a log cake! :) damn delicious!

The little boy finally opened up and dare to look at the camera! :) he is such a cute little boy! :P

As usual, we took a grp pic! haha.. had to balance the camera on the carton of apple juice.. :) smart sia!
In the end, we left at about 9 plus.. cannot imagine we still have to work the next day.. zzz..

On a side note, the Xmas tree at Taka looks so pretty! but din manage to take more pics due to low batt! :S
Xmas is coming le!! *yeah!*
had a fulfilling weekend! *wink*
walked down orchard to admire the xmas lights.. although it was just a very short one.. Paragon as always have the prettiest xmas tree :)
*praying for a very diff Xmas this year! :)
will still feel something when i see certain pictures.. but now i dun give a damn, or rather it irks me out.. *bleah*
had bad face days lately... so irritating! :S
have to stop make-up and keep cleaning my face every few hours...
can't wait for it to clear up..
water and wet tissue and pimple gel are my best frens! :(
hope the weekend comes here faster.. sigh..
*been too whiny.. also dun know why..
was rather busy over the long weekend! :) although busy but not tiring.. :)
watched bolt! it was a damn cute show! little bolt is so cute! :) how i wish i could have a doggie like bolt.. one of the cutest show that i have ever seen! :)
8th was Priya's wedding.. first to get married in our batch.. i cannot imagine myself getting married at this age.. :) but we are all happy for her! :)

Look at the pretty bride and handsome groom! :) I wish the best for them! :) mayb soon we might have to attend someone's first month! *winks*
also glad that managed to catch up with some of u guys! hope we can get together soon! :)
now my work is really bogging me down.. so many things to deal with.. b it work-related and non-work related..
it is too happening for me le.. nowhere to complain... *sigh*