Saturday, June 28
been busy with this temp job lately...
Did distribution and creating awareness for this newly launched magazine, Kupon...
can google for it if u guys are interested! :)
it was tough work but enjoyable cos i had the company of this fun-loving grp of co-workers!
we took damn lot of pics at the end of the 3 days... but my phone low batt, therefore cannot get the pics from the rest thr bluetooth... will wait for them to send me the pics... we even have a contact list! haha...
it is really thr the hard work that we bonded so quickly, reminds me a bit of FOC... haha...
old liao lor, all of them are younger than me... haha... feel so young when with them...

half of the grp :)

the world is so small... my BS juniors! :P
still waiting... pls pray for me everyone... i need all the luck that i need...
Tuesday, June 17
sigh... i'm in a dilemma now... :(
should i or should i not?
i should be happy, but yet not happy... shit!
can someone help me decide??
Monday, June 16
Love reading kenny sia's blog...
very entertaining and sarcastic...
he also talks about issues that are close to heart...
recommending to everyone out there...
read on bah... esp the latest post!
Sunday, June 15
was watching this anime, Hell girl these few days...
It talks about how ppl sent the ppl that they hate to hell with the help of this Hell girl, but with a price to pay...
That is they would also be sent to hell after they die, suffering thr eternity...
Would u still do it after knowing the price to pay??
these ppl that were being sent, had almost always did something to the "victims" to such an extent that make them hated them to the core... in a way, they deserved to b sent to hell...
along your life, i'm sure that there are ppl that you bound not to like, and mayb even have a strong dislike for them...
Is this a normal feeling?? I dun know... i do certainly hope so, as rite now i also have ppl that I have a strong dislike for...
somehow, they are indirectly responsible for the messy state of my life now...
i sometimes wonder am i such a pushover? or am i being too nice that it felt okie for ppl to just "bully" me?
i can no longer differentiate... all i know that they made me realised the harsh realities of life...
my next step?
i dun know? mayb i will just fall into another trap that ppl had set up and suffer a worse fate than now...
Seriously, I hated the mess in my life now! How i wish this mess would just disappear... disappear and never ever ever appear again... i dun even wan to hear or see any of it!
I HATE #$%^$&^&%&*^...
Friday, June 13
Thursday, June 12
Waiting can be agonising!
Be it waiting for news from companies or waiting for frens...
Can't I be granted with what i wished for?
I'll be a gd gal from now on...
My wish came true! at least half of it!!! muahahaha!
Catherine is a happy gal, at least for today! :)
Wednesday, June 11
Kongfu Panda was so so so funnie! haha...
i give it a 2 thumbs up! :)
Finally a movie together!
AMK has changed a lot! It was so much from sec sch days! haha...
Dinner was nice, had mee soto and satay! both are something that I have not eaten for a long time! :)
damn yummy! :)
looking for next outing...
Tuesday, June 10
taiwan grad trip...
after the visit to chi kan lou, we went on to another famous temple... however, it was closed by the time we reached there... we din realised that the site-seeing areas closed at 5pm... so end up we just stopped and went to xin guang san yue, something like taka in singapore but much bigger... :) nothing for us to buy except for local delights! and donuts! hehe...

nice looking tree... :) very artistic...

part of our dinner... it is called guan cai ban aka coffin... haha... it tasted like chicken pie! :P damn yummy!!!

yummy donuts! :)
the next day was a long journey to sun moon lake... we have to take a train to this place called jiji, the oldest train station in taiwan and take bus to this place near sun moon lake and then figure out how to travel up the lake... haha, the lake is up within the mountains! hee...

we had brunch at this train station b4 going to ji ji...

hehe... *yum yum* :)

however, when we reached ji ji, it started raining damn heavily! we are stuck there! we could not find the visitor information centre and ended up seeking refuge in the police station while waiting for transport from the hostel to come fetch us! haha... the police officers are damn friendly! haha... they even offered us mineral water, as in they specially opened a carton of it for us! we were damn touched!
on the way up to the mountains, the winding roads were even worse then the ones in genting! it was really scary! the driving skills of the driver is really very gd! instead of watching on, many of us chose to take a nap on the way up...
when we reached the hostel, we were pleasently surprised by the layout of the room! damn chio! haha... so homely! then we had a tea session with the lady owner, she was very nice! and taught us a lot about tea! it turned out that she actually owns a tea plantation! we actually wanted to go visit as part of our day tour the next day, but it was too far away... sigh... it would b a pretty sight!
after the chat, we decided to go look at the dance performance put up by the yuan zhi ming residing there... but due to some technical fault, they were unable to go on with the performance, thus asking us to come back the next day... we were disappointed, so decided to have early dinner... :)

in view of such nice scenery, we can't help ourselves but to do some "cute" poses! hahaha....

haha... we are damn bo liao! haha...

our dinner! this is only part of it!! haha... we were too hungry that we started digging in after this few dishes were placed at out table... :) it was very delicious and fresh! haha...
in the midst thr our dinner, flying inserts, regardless of size start to invade our dishes! they keep dropping down! some of us were quite freaked out... this happens cos it had been raining and they were all attracted by the lights... the owners recommended us to take the outside seats, at least we wun have this problem outside... so we gladly changed our tables! :)
then somehow the attention of the conversation became on me... i was so like.. what's with me? like that also can... one bunch of kapo ppl.. haha...
the nite ended with some shopping, watching tv and playing bridge! :)
to be continued...
Monday, June 9
interviews can b very mentally draining.. similar to preparing exams... :(
but each time is a learning experience... even though some may not b the nicest ppl that u meet, but the stuff that they often said does make sense... one can often learn something from it... i may not get the job, at least i learnt something and gained more exp for my next interview... :) cannot say time wasted... :)
Friday, June 6
just had a tiring day today... dun get me wrong, it is the fun kind of tiring... :)
it is interesting to see the kind of ppl that you met during interviews! :) dun get me wrong... they are ppl that i can learn a lot from them... be it their presentation skills or the way they carry themselves... it was an impt learning experience! :)
now i realised that craving a sucessful career for myself is very important for me!
i just hope i can get pass this round and proceed on to the next round! *praying hard*
i should b getting back to my taiwan trip...
haha... been lagging for a long time...
back to the hot springs resort, me, ash, LP, Lanyan and Crystal spent the remaining afternoon nuaing in the resort trying out almost every single facilities that were available, while the others went to their underwater world... haha... It was damn relaxing, although i did get sores at certain spots by the massive water jets at some of the pools...
after 2 hrs of soaking, we went back to our room to clean up for dinner! the entire process made us very hungry!haha... settled our dinner at this house, it was not bad just that i think the salt a bit too free flow! haha... they even had a Karaoke system just for guests like us, but we need to put in coins for every song we sing... damn interesting! but after dinner, we all a bit tired, while those who went to the underwater world went to soak in the hot spring pools... in the process of nuaing, everyone fell aslp... haha...
i think everyone was really tired from all the travelling... but we woke up after a short nap... bathe and turned in for the night...
breakfast, *yum yum* i loved the toast!

after breakfast, we went back room to pack... after packing, we were a bit bored and decided to take emo shots within the beautiful room! haha...

haha.. nice? i prefer the first one though... haha...
then we started camwhoring ard the place... but regardless how i take, i can't seem to get the full beauty of the entire place...

after massive camwhoring b4 we left the resort, it continued thr the journey out...

Next Stop: Tainan...

food, food and more food! we ate, ate and ate! all these are eaten on a detour to the various historical sites... hahah...

one of the temples we went: Chi kan lou (I hope i gt the spelling correct)

more to come!