Saturday, May 31
Taiwan trip part I

on the plane, b4 taking off...

my dinner... nice... *yum yum*

snack for the night! :)

on the bullet train to Gao Xiong.. very comfy experience! :P I lost my tic on the way out, nearly cannot go out of the station.. lucky the cleaning auntie picked it up...
After we reached and checked in, we went to the night market near our hotel...

mui fan recommended by the hotel stuff! damn nice! gt a lot of seafood! but a bit ex? about S$4.50..
we also tried the smelly beancurd... Lp's sister and her fren, Crystal bought and they threw away about few bites.. haha... Huimin also bought, but from another stall.. it was not as smelly as the one they bought.. haha... it was less smelly than i imagine... but still taste like shit.. tried a lot of other snacks... damn nice.. haha... satisfied night!

Breakfast for second day! beef noodles, damn nice! :P you can't find anything that taste lousy there!

After breakfast, we checked out and started to make our way to Kending! the ppl there are damn frenly, they would go all the way to help tourists! their service was really two thumbs up! :)

traffic light! haha...
scenery along the way..

after a long bus ride, we finally arrived at kending!
for the rest of the afternoon, we did snorkeling, fish feeding, banana boat and motor jet! quite fun! haha and it was cheap! definitely worth the money! never take any pics cos we never dare to bring our camera out... the coastline view was damn pretty! wanted to get tanned but the weather was not very gd... end up never gt tanned... :(
to be continued...
Wednesday, May 28
I'm back from my grad trip!
although it was 10 days, but it felt not enough.. there were so many things that i had not done and visit.. i will definitely visit Taiwan again!
the food, the company, the view and everything was just too much! a great holiday indeed! :P
pics will be up soon...
some overdue pics from poster day.. regretted that i never bring my camera.. guys pls send me pics..

me, xyz and ash

my fyp prof and me! loved my prof! :)
Saturday, May 17
A night to remember..
Friendships forged over 4yrs and counting..

Great job done! We all had fun!
It will be a night that all of us will never forget! :)
Wednesday, May 14
finally gt some companies called.. finally.. after like so long..
gt one interview tml..
wish me luck~ :)

A simple lunch.
A simple dessert.
A simple get-together.
If things were this simple everyday..
Monday, May 12

Hey Frens! Do drop by my fren's webbie and take a look! :P
any Qs, feel free to direct to me! :)
Sunday, May 11
is it easier said than done?
Saturday, May 10
Wednesday, May 7
yeah! I officially grad le! :P finally... four long yrs of intensive mugging.. I am out of sch and all ready to step into the workforce, that is I can find a job.. haha..
had my poster presentation yest.. I was lucky to get two smiley examiners.. haha... was quite funnie though.. anyway, it was probably the last time that i will ever see the rest of my sch mates.. will miss a few of them, cos i not very close to my sch mates, just to a few of them.. :) it was a new experience for me cos u can only have poster day once in your life time.. haha.. and also cos i will not step back into research again? research is totally not my cup of tea, i just dun have the passion for it, u must have a hunger thirst for it in order to survive, as quoted by one of my professors.. true, i dun have the thirst for research.. but what do i wanna to do? actually i am still clueless.. sigh..
sitting in my hall room now, last few moments b4 i moved out.. suddenly, i feel like just moving out asap cos i just felt that i had enough of the whole place.. it was totally not the same as how i remembered it when i just moved in.. the environment, the culture, the ppl and the state of mind all changed le.. probably a generation gap bah.. or we are just brought up differently..
spent my last nite with some of my closest frens that i had made in hall.. i cannot deny that hall memories are very dear to me, regardless of happy or sad.. mayb in years to come, i will b able to look back at everything and smile..
Monday, May 5
damn sian now.. dun know how to get out from the sian mood..
less than 24hrs..
Another slpless night.. arghhh.. damn er xin..
Thanks for your kind intentions, but I cannot bring myself to say certain things..
When the day comes that I can bring myself to say, it will definitely from the bottom of my heart..
One last lap..
Sunday, May 4
Sometimes i feel that life is sucky.. the ppl they made u met throughout your cos in life can b sometimes really damn irritating..
but what to do? ppl will tell u that it's life, no choice, u will bound to meet this kind of ppl in your life.. just treat it as lessons learnt or barriers that u have to cross over, in order to become "wiser".. I would have to "thank" these ppl, for forcing me to grow up..
in the past, whenever frens encountered this kind of situation, i will tell them to calm down, try to console them.. although i know it is easier said then done, but what i can do? all i can do is to provide support for them.. *shrugs* that's a pretty helpless feeling, i dun like to see my frens unhappy.. if i were the one encountered this kind of situation, i will just feel sad and mayb feel is it my fault.. indulge in a bit of self-pity (i think my self-confidence a bit low).. but now, i will just b angry and will wan to curse and swear at that person, instead of just swallowing it down.. imagine all kinds of situation that i would have done to get back to the person, although i wun put it into actions.. my EQ seem to getting lower as the yrs go by.. does that make me a vicious person? women are vicious creatures and i also would not care less.. i just wan to feel like a real human with emotions, although i have more negative emotions now.. my rants are becoming nonsensical..
sometimes letting ppl too close to your heart is a dangerous move.. they will use this chance to attack u, hurt u or even give u a stab, leaving u injured and bleeding.. in this world that everyone can b potentially fake, it is better to put on a mask and live your life as though it is not yours.. in this way, whatever attack to u can possibly be minimized..
"How many more pieces can your heart break into when it is already not whole again?"
Thursday, May 1
today is a public holi and also KY's Bday! Happy Bday dude!
so in the name of celebrating his bday, we went for dinner at this place in Circular Rd, supposedly famous for its bbq stingray...
this is recommended by the bday boy itself wor... I ordered the one that he always have, stingray pork ribs rice... :)
two thumbs up! really loved the stingray! *yum yum* :)
then the kind bday boy treated us to a round of shots at dbl O... haha... wanted to go O bar but we being the blur ones, went to Q at the wrong side... nvm lah, so we just stayed there cos YP can't stay for long anyway... evil objective of the day = get the bday boy tipsy... haha... so everyone toasted to him one on one... haha... coincidentally, we saw our seniors there at dbl o too! just as zhiwei and me were talking about them... haha... :) long time never see them le... anyway, after the first round, the bday boy almost gone 50% le.. haha... not long after he was 80% gone le, under the constant pressure of the "evil" frens... haha...
Mission accomplished!
side note: starting to learn how to control the amount that I drank... am proud of myself for that! haha...
i think i old liao, within the crazy crowd, i starting to wonder why do ppl like to come club? i went cos to celebrate KY's bday, not for the music... nowadays, i would not care what music was playing, the company was impt... seeing ppl sitting on the floor with a dazed look on their faces, i somehow see the past me... now i see liao, i feel so throw face... sigh... those were the days i guess... and i hope they dun come back...