Friday, February 29
Friday is here again! :) finally another time to rest...
I am feeling very tired... dun know, by what... sian....
that's the mood i am feeling now...
everyone is so ready for weekend
but somehow i dun feel like weekend is here...
Wednesday, February 27
the power of search engines never failed to amaze me... once again, i did some "spying" and was awarded with some interesting finds, even though it was not what i wanted to find... but it was better than nothing... :)
my co-spy was helpful in a way, by suggesting keywords to use...
Had a dream that felt so real... it really made me wonder did it really happened?
When I opened my eyes, i guess not...
What does the dream meant?
If dreams were the opposite of reality, does that dream have meaning at all?
Or is it just to re-enforce certain facts that I overlooked or been chucking it to the back of my mind rather then to face up to it.
Curiosity really does kills the cat...
Tuesday, February 26
I don't know what i wan anymore...
seems to b just living out every single day...
yet everyday seem to b filled with laughter...
Wished everyday is like this but something seems to b missing...
seeing things happening and unfolding in front of me...
envious of them but at the same time, wishing it does not happen to me...
bottom line is I'm scared?
scared of what? scared of history repeating itself...
that's y the gate is closed for now...
for how long? I have no idea... what it would take to open it up? I also have no idea...
i'm like at stationary ground...
Can anyone tell me what to do?
Sunday, February 17
"I had accepted my fate, but you had to come along, I don't need a reason to be angry with God."
Monday, February 11
met up with Spice gang more often ever since San's back from aussie... :)

Look at all the delicious food! :P *yum yum*

Me and San

one big group pic! i just can't upload the other one with jas and lin alone... *sorrie* (stoopid blogger)
met up with the gals on sat to go to Miss Lock's house... haha... should b calling Mrs Ng but just can't changed it... too used to calling her that...

the cute kid in the center is Miss Lock's son... called Jerrald... i dun know whether i gt the spelling correct?

Miss Lock's dog = shiba

another one = Snowy :)
they are both very hyperactive... to the extent that it is actually a bit scary... haha... they will keep wanting to play with you... and they can really jump...

trying to get them to take a picture...
Wednesday, February 6
haha, i know my blog had been quite dead this few days... gt things to blog but also dun know where to start... lazy to write also... certain things also cannot really tell the whole world about it... only myself know can le...
anyway, to add on to my happiness, i gt a change in grade for TCM!! :) that's a gd thing! haha...
yest they sent an email saying that gt a change in grade due to processing error... i was like wt.... after so long then tell me... i was upset with the grade for quite a while lor... :(
but nvm! hehe... after seeing the change, i felt a bit happier! :)
long holis ahead! :)