Wednesday, January 30
I JUST WANNA SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 25
i am still sick... sadz... although now it's slightly better...
Thursday, January 24
damn... i am down with i dun know what... gt fever, runny nose, coughing, everywhere aching, cannot slp...
eat the medicine liao also no use... fever subside for 2 plus 3 hours then will b back again... cough until every cough i took, must suck one big breath back... sounds like someone out of breath... can't even walk up the stairs to my room without stopping to cough... sometimes, it is so bad that my stomach will filp... if i had eaten anything, confirm will vomit out one... there is also the drastic lost of weight... cannot believe my eyes when i saw the weighing scale... :(
Tuesday, January 22
haha... my blog is semi-dead... got a lot of things to blog about but dun know where to start...
alot of things had been going on... cos my Bday mah... haha... freaking lot of pics to upload... but blogger had not been very "guai"... so i guess have to wait... :(
starting to really get used to the very routine life that i am currently having now...
wake up, go lab, eat lunch and dinner, back to hall, watch tv with 43 peeps, sometimes a bit of mj, then slp....
that's the whole day for me... this sort of explains that i a bit MIA also... and the inability to go out on weekdays... i wun know what time i will in lab till, thus i cannot make any arrangements... my top concern is my FYP and finding jobs... :) i am the type cannot multi-task at the same time... can only do one thing at one go...
so forgive me for this period of time, if u tried to ask me for dinner or something else on weekdays... i will most prob unable to confirm with you...
fren ah, take care of your foot lah... just 2 more days to go... then better go for a more detailed checkup like what the doc had said...
cannot believe when one gave stoopid idea, the 20 plus ppl actually followed the stoopid idea, when they know it is a stoopid idea...
Thursday, January 17
Due to popular demand, i have to put these pics... haha...
A bit overdue i know...

that's all for now...
Yest pics coming soon... wait patiently sia...
Wednesday, January 16
A big day today!
Happie Bday to me,
Happie Bday to me,
Happpppiiiieee Bday to meeee,
thanks for all the smses that came in right after 12! :)
I feel blissed surrounded by frens...
A special thanks to 2 ppl,
gal ah, u should know who you are... :)
glad that u are ard to listen to me, i enjoyed listening to your updates as well...
although u have to keep to your promise wor!
another person, is that i very grateful to this person...
always there to cheer me up with crappy jokes... :)
talk to me when i'm feeling bored or down...
thanks! just a thanks is not enough... i am really blessed to have a fren like you...:)
half of the day just passed... and i am really glad with all the wished... thanks... :)
Thursday, January 10
A story that touched my heart...
那是一個非常寧靜而美麗的小城﹐有一對非常恩愛的戀人﹐他們每天都去海邊看日出﹐晚上去海邊送夕陽﹐每個見 過他們的人都向他們投來羨慕的目光……
可是有一天﹐在一場車禍中﹐女孩不幸受了重傷﹐她靜靜地躺在醫院的病床上﹐幾天幾夜都沒有醒過來。白天 ﹐男孩就守在床前不停地呼喚毫無知覺的戀人﹔晚上﹐他就跑到小城的教堂裡向上帝禱告﹐他已經哭 乾了眼淚。
一個月過去了﹐女孩仍然昏睡著﹐而男孩早已憔悴不堪了﹐但他仍苦苦地支撐著。終於有一天﹐上帝被這個痴 情的男孩感動了。於是他決定給這個執著的男孩一個例外。上帝問他﹕“你願意用自己的生命作為交換嗎﹖”男孩 毫不猶豫地回答﹕“我願意﹗”上帝說﹕“那好吧﹐我可以讓你的戀人很快醒過來﹐但你要答應化作三年的蜻蜓﹐ 你願意嗎﹖”男孩聽了﹐還是堅定地回答道﹕“我願意﹗”
天亮了﹐男孩已經變成了一隻漂亮的蜻蜓﹐他告別了上帝便匆匆地飛到了醫院。女孩真的醒了﹐而且她還在跟 身旁的一位醫生交談著什麼﹐可惜他聽不到。
幾天後﹐女孩便康復出院了﹐但是她並不快樂。她四處打聽著男孩的下落﹐但沒有人知道男孩究竟去了哪裡。 女孩整天不停地尋找著﹐然而早已化身成蜻蜓的男孩卻無時無刻不圍繞在她身邊﹐只是他不會呼喊﹐不會擁抱﹐他 只能默默地承受著她的視而不見。夏天過去了﹐秋天的涼風吹落了樹葉﹐蜻蜓不得不離開這裡。於是他最後一次飛 落在女孩的肩上。他想用自己的翅膀撫摸她的臉﹐用細小的嘴來親吻她的額頭﹐然而他弱小的身體還是不足以被她 發現。
轉眼間﹐春天來了﹐蜻蜓迫不及待地飛回來尋找自己的戀人。然而﹐她那熟悉的身影旁站著一個高大而英俊的 男人﹐那一剎那﹐蜻蜓幾乎快從半空中墜落下來。人們講起車禍後女孩病得多麼的嚴重﹐描述著那名男醫生有多麼 的善良﹑可愛﹐還描述著他們的愛情有多麼的理所當然﹐當然也描述了女孩已經快樂如從前。
蜻蜓傷心極了﹐在接下來的幾天中﹐他常常會看到那個男人帶著自己的戀人在海邊看日出﹐晚上又在海邊看日 落﹐而他自己除了偶爾能停落在她的肩上以外﹐什麼也做不了。
這一年的夏天特別長﹐蜻蜓每天痛苦地低飛著﹐他已經沒有勇氣接近自己昔日的戀人。她和那男人之間的喃喃 細語﹐他和她快樂的笑聲﹐都令他窒息。
第三年的夏天﹐蜻蜓已不再常常去看望自己的戀人了。她的肩被男醫生輕擁著﹐臉被男醫生輕輕地吻著﹐根本 沒有時間去留意一隻傷心的蜻蜓﹐更沒有心情去懷唸過去。
蜻蜓悄悄地飛進教堂﹐落在上帝的肩膀上﹐他聽到下面的戀人對上帝發誓說﹕我願意﹗他看著那個男醫生把戒 指戴到昔日戀人的手上﹐然後看著他們甜蜜地親吻著。蜻蜓流下了傷心的淚水。
上帝嘆息著﹕“你後悔了嗎﹖”蜻蜓擦乾了眼淚﹕“沒有﹗”上帝又帶著一絲愉悅說﹕“那麼﹐明天你就可以 變回你自己了。”蜻蜓搖了搖頭﹕“就讓我做一輩子蜻蜓吧……”
有些緣份是註定要失去的。愛一個人不一定要擁有﹐但擁有一個人就一定要好好去愛他。你的肩上有 蜻蜓嗎﹖
how many ppl can actually do it?
ppl are greedy and it is this greed that will not allow us to let go and keep holding on...
I guess to let go requires much more courage than holding on...
Tuesday, January 8
just had my las softball match last sat... it is really the last... a bit mixed feelings... have to apologise for the lousy mistakes that i made...
I will missed the times we had trainings, "played" in the mud, the suaning... :S

The last surviving last years...

as usual, me acting baichi...
Wednesday, January 2
Part II
after the bbq, we all settled in the living room to watch movies... we watch until we forgot about the cake that was still sitting in the fridge! haha... we immediately panicked and brought the cake...

Our dear BDAY gal!

then we went on to watch more movies... haha... cos they were watching horror/thriller, so i was selectively opening my eyes.. haha..
Overall, it was fun! haha... :)
Long awaited pics! hehe... sorry for taking such a long time to upload... my lazy gene had been quite dominating lately... :)
This is from glennis Bday about 3 weeks ago... *hee* alvin, steph and yu siang did most of the work... they imitated this game from a taiwan gameshow, have to find out the differences/things that are not supposed to be there... haha... below are some of the things that they thought of...

this one i stared at it for damn long lah! can anyone of u see it?

haha... this one should be easy... :)

this one is a bit blur, i dun know whether u guys can spot it or not...

haha!! this one is damn funnie!!! haha... hope u guys can spot it at one look! haha!!!
Food pics ahead!! prepared way too much food for the 7 of us!

Fries~~ lalala~~ my fav! lalala~

our dear yu siang mistaken one pack of chicken wings to be 12... but in fact, there is 2 layers of 12, and he bought 3 packs... if u do your maths corrrectly, we had 72 chicken wings for the 7 of us! actually, it's the 6 of us... cos kerry dun eat chicken at all! haha... we eat until we very scared of chicken wings! but still have a lot left... :(

Now for the ppl who attended the BBQ...

our main 'cooker' = Kerry!

second chief = Glennis
main chief's lao po = Yanting

Introduction of the eating comm!
First of all = Alvin!

The grand owner of the house! Yu Siang

The pretty Steph
and last but not least = me! :)