Monday, December 31
Glad that somethings are reverted back to its normal state... :) at least some happy news today...
Just came back from old ppl's BBQ at JH's house... it was just the old ppl... major talking cock and as usual, the major teasing by Kam... :) just like the gd old times... they are the bunch that always make us laugh like mad... standing by each other when we needed help... I'm really glad that our paths had crossed in uni... without them, i think my uni life would be rather boring and uneventful... :)
random pic... I realised i had never posted any pics of the past me... haha... see whether u can find me...

Sunday, December 30
sigh... what a way to end 2007... i am hoping for 2008 to come asap...
with a brand new beginning, i sincerely hope the ppl ard me will b happy and carefree...
Friday, December 28
Now i just feel like crying...
i just screwed up my expt...
added the wrong reagent...
now have to redo the whole set...
what the hell i was doing...
i just feel lousy for the entire morning... *WAKE UP MY IDEA!!!!*
sigh... just gotten back my results... sianz... not too well done... sigh... this adds to the lousy school sem...
what a way to end 2007! sometimes i just wished i have amnesia so that i will forget everything and then i will be happier... but that's life... it sucks but i just have to carry on... i can't reach any lower... :(
Thursday, December 27
Actually, gt a few thoughts in mind... just that dun wan to spoil the happy post that i had just posted...
i am not a saint... to attain a stage not to care, not to b upset and angry, have no emotions towards the person when u see him/her... that takes time... easy to say, diff to do... frens will tell me sometimes hating the preson is easier... nah, i dun wan to do that, y should i? the person is not worth it at all! y should i waste my time disliking or even to the extend to hate... it is a waste of my time, energy and emotions... what goes ard will comes ard... i truly believe in this...
regardless how diff it is, i am determined to do it... right now, i just wan to surround myself with frens, buliding more solid r/s with them, not just hi bye frens... maintain those that i already had... i truly believe that frens will be there for you for life... sometimes not love...
last advice to ppl out there : find someone whom loves u more than u love the person... it is less taxing on your part...
Back from the holis! haha... i had fun during Xmas, did u all had fun??
spent Xmas eve with my dearest Spice gang! haha... celebrating 10 years of frenship with a bang man! i truly enjoyed the times together, only with them, i can be my true self without having to afraid of them not accepting who i am... although i am starting to find other frens that i can do the same thing... :) but they are the frens that i had the longest time... it is tiring to be pretend someone that u are actually not... haha... not that i am saying that i am doing that... just that have to be careful what u said, with them, there is no such worries... :) we managed to stay awake till 6 plus, where one by one start to fall... haha... took a lot of pics of the food that we had! but cannot upload cos no cable... :S
reach back home @ 9am and took a very very short nap... met YY (my les partner) at 1230... haha... partial agenda of the day is to go to the guan yin temple to pray... we both had came to a conclusion that 2007 had been a lousy year for the both of us! so we decided to go to pray for our well-beings... haha! funnie rite, to pray on Xmas... then we walked ard talking, without really paying attention to the surroundings... it was an afternoon well spent... :) we should do it some other day... what about New year's day?? i wanna draw a lot! :)
A big thanks for all the pressies! hehe... i loved it alot! :) shall post up soon... i'm getting real lazy! haha...
Monday, December 24
More pics from that night's dinner...

Sunday, December 23
this is a real lousy year... it's coming to an end soon, but how come still gt lousy things happening, esp to my frens...
seriously dun know why is all these happening... they are all nice ppl, why put them thr this kind of sadness... arghhh...
my Xmas wish : everyone ard me be happy and blessed with gd luck!
will this simple wish come true?
Saturday, December 22
FYP had started... still getting used to the daily routine of getting up early to go to lab... a bit lazy to drag myself out of bed early in the morning... sianz... :( but i guess i will get into the routine soon...
Just had a mini XMas celebration with the 43 peeps... haha... it was quite fun! haha... they really make your life happier and crappier, will miss them when most of them leaving for IA next sem... sadz...

Look at all the food!!! we only had 7 ppl... how to finish???

Look at the effort to bring out the Xmas mood! :)
haha... time passes very fast... i dun know when will be the next time that we are going to have another gathering like this again... cos Alvin will not b staying in hall for his IA... and Kerry will be coming back less frequently... sianz...

this is bought by kerry... he and yanting bought pressie for the 43 peeps... and that includes me! :) Thanks! i really liked it alot!!! :)
tiring week... another ahead... bless me with the strength to continue on...
Tuesday, December 18
had IH carrom just now... damn tiring... it was mentally draining... really is mind over body... aching all over now, from all the adjusting of body postures to obtain a good view of my shots... :S
enjoyed the last match with Hall 9, they were worthy opponents... that match was my best performance, but too bad they are just too strong for us... :( but never mind lah... at least never walk over...
later gt more... wish us luck!
Sunday, December 16
sigh... was reading my previous blog entries... i realised i was rather happy then... but now?
i tot i had let go and devoid of tears... it actually surprised me to even feel them silding of my cheeks once again and a tight feeling in my chest... this week had went by just like that, i dun remember what i did most of time... sad huh? this time round feels worse than the last time... to a certain extend that i had to pull my last resort to totally avoid...
Wednesday, December 12
been a while since i blogged... been feeling down these few days but feeling better now... been talking to frens and they helped me a lot just by listening and offering advice...
it has been a while le... but somehow i still feel like it just happened yest and to heard of such news had a certain impact on me... i dun know it is just me or what... but i guess i am affected... i really had to put my heart into blocking all forms of info from reaching me... i cannot let the newly heal wound to be blast opened again... it will be just too painful... and i dun think i can take it...
thanks for all the advice, frens... *hugz* :) i am trying...
Saturday, December 8
yeah!!! finally the hell week had came to an end! :)
gt B-, A- and B for 3 of our presentations... not bad i would say... haha...
i think i am quite lucky to be in the group that i was allocated to... they are all very funnie and easy to work with... haha... made this week more tolerable... next week is another hell week... shall rest tonight and start a bit of work tml? haha...
just came back from this bursary award ceremony... my dad applied for me and i gt it! haha... :)

see? my name is there wor! :) haha...
Thursday, December 6
one more day to the end of this tiring week... :S
one more presentation to go... still stuck at resource room in sch... sadz... :( lucky i had a very fun grp with me... make me laugh and laugh till i teared... haha... despite that, i still can't wait for the weekend to be here...
have not been eating well these few days... too busy with the preparation of the presentations to eat... *bleah* thanks for weiliang for yest's dinner though... damn funnie talking to him... too bad Fish is not there... haha... we should have more or these talking cock sessions... haha... soon FYP is going to start... i doubt we will have much chances... sigh... i should be shuttling back and forth between sch and hall... sigh...
next week is another hell week with the completion of the business plan in mind... :S
sidetrack a bit, should i cut my hair short??? hehe... very tempted...
Monday, December 3
What is the definition of a fren?
it seems like as we grow up, whatever definition that we once believed seem to be not applicable at all...
you can treat someone as your fren, share all your troubles, happy stuff, worries, opinions, anything under the sky with him/her.... but it turns out that that person could be preceiving whatever u had done all this while to be so negative... does he really treat u as a fren? would a fren even said anything negative behind your back? it really make u wonder...
It will never hit you when it does not happen to you, but when it does, it really set u thinking... would u be angry, hurt, sad or would u think why matters are in such a state? sigh... why do this kind of things have to happen?
now i know why ppl always say i view this world too simply... i always thought that i can feel with my heart who is really true to me... somehow it appears not to be this case... my optimism for this world seem to decrease with the days and my world is starting to look grey and bleak... i dun wan it to be like this but do i have a choice with such incidents happening around me?
Sunday, December 2
Was supposed to be doing research for my upcoming presentation on tues... but just can't help blogging! :) haha...
gt "cooked" today at the Standard Charter Marathon today... no wonder considering we stood in the sun, right from the moment it rose till 2pm! i was lucky not to be "overcooked"... haha... seriously I had never seen so much ppl in my life b4, esp guys... haha... afterall, i guess this is a guy thing? haha... saw a couple of familiar faces among the runners! good for them! i think i will just run for about 2 km and walked for the remaining 40 plus km... haha... will take till evening to reach back to the finish line... haha... but i think i will wan to attempt the 42km at least once in my life... haha... just to get the experience ah! and also the tee lah! haha...

Look at the amount of drinks we had to prepare! haha... peiying and puifan tot i was taking their pic... can u see them? haha...
overall, it was quite fun! haha, talking cock with frens till morning... haha... quite enjoyable! I even passed the drink to the first runner wor! *beams* haha...
unable to upload pics... shall do it the next time? hehe...
back to the research... tata~
Saturday, December 1

what is this???
this is my group's mascot! called the
biofilm... hahaha...
we are like the biofilm, where very diff ppl brought together closely to perform certain task, with the different strengths that each of us have, we are able to overcome the harsh conditions, eg pressing datelines... we are able to achieve more than one single individual...
interesting right? haha... i wanted to suggest
transformers... but a bit diff to make within the given time frame... haha...
we already have assignment liao, presentation on tue... later after my standard charter job, i will need to start researching on the presentation liao... i am so dead lah...
very busy week ahead! :S