Friday, November 30
with gentle breeze blowing, slightly cloudy with a grey tinge... this kind of weather just wanna make someone laze at home and do nothing... :) that is what i did today... :) with only my laptop as my companion of the day... watching shows and catching latest gossips with frens makes the day pass by very quickly... i hope everyday can be just like that...
even very simple things can make me content with the current situation... :)
Thursday, November 29
a random post...

Me and my Les partner! :)

Me and my Les partner + "the third party"
haha... just kidding... :)

Me and 大老板

Me and Mui Ngee... long time never see her liao... :)
end of a random post... haha... that's what the holis are making me... being totally random...
Monday, November 26

From my beloved Brother who just came back from Shanghai, from a business trip... :)
I luv my new blogskin! :)
Sunday, November 25
Recommendation of the week:
sold millions of copies worldwide! it's a must buy! translated into 12 languages in 15 countries!

it spells out everything men know about women!


Friday, November 23
woah! so much things had happened for the past few days... haha... actually, nothing much lah...
first of all, congrads to summer girl! :) i'm so happy for u! :) seeing u so happy in your posts i also feel happy just by seeing it... haha... glad that u had found that special someone... :) i wish u all the best! it just make me wan to fall in love again... haha... even though i had failed a few times... but i will never give up in finding the special someone, or rather i will not give up waiting for him to drop in front of me... muahaha...
Second, just had my last paper of my uni life today! haha... finally... muahaha... although, i may not have much confidence for the papers i had this sem but it is over le! will b stepping upon the last phase of my uni life, i hope it will be a fruitful period for me! :) meanwhile, i also wan to try stuff that i had never done b4... gt a couple of things on my mind... will tell u guys when i really had done it... haha...
just now had a nice lunch at sushi teh... thanks for the treat + movies, Marcus! haha... bee movie is a very cute movie... quite funnie! haha... had a gd laugh! although i was not a gd company, cos was feeling tired from the bad quality of slp lately... :(
shall meet again? :)
tml is another happy day! :)
Tuesday, November 20
my concentration span seems to be shorter and shorter... :( i need to endure for 3 more days!
can anyone give me the strength???
Monday, November 19
went back to sch today for kickboxing... was another tiring but fulfiling lesson! :)
sigh... but after that, my mood just went downhill... i guess i have to face up to it... there will come one day that i will be forced with a situation like this... it's sooner or later... no point getting all upset when that day comes... i will be upset i guess but i hope it wun be that hurtful bah...
what an irony too...
Saturday, November 17
:( boring saturday! boring boring...
thanks ys for sending me this link!
quite fun and challenging... not as easy as it seems wor!
setting the unhappy stuff aside, i know it kinds of worried my frens when they know something is really bothering me to the max... thanks kerry for the comfort food and the personal delivery... like what ky had said, once decided on something must carry it out, cannot say will do or mayb... sigh... guess no need to say too much bah... let actions show for itself...
Finished my first paper yest... was not too bad... but there are some Qs that really had me thinking for a long while... I just hope everything was okie... :) after the paper, I went to bugis for a little retail therapy... :) shopping always does make me feel slightly happier... however, also damaging to the pockets! :S
anyway, i bought a little purple dress and 3 pairs of earrings... so not too bad! the dress is damn cheap also... like $10! haha... lucky day... then went over to city hall to meet the da lao ban for dinner! haha...

we "overkilled" ourselves by ordering a bit too much, by the time we finish, we nearly can't walk out of the place... somemore, we din finish some of the food as well...

this may look disgusting, but actually it's pork ribs! haha... not some kind of unknown meat wor... :) cooked to such tenderness that it practically melts in your mouth! haha... the soup also taste very sweet... no taste of msg at all! 2 thumbs up! :)
after the very full meal, the idea of a movie sounds tempting... so we end up walking into the cinema to buy tics for STARDUST! but............ it was not shown in suntec! end up we took train to douby and walked to the Cathay, my fav cinema... but it was sold out!!! %&*^(*&$#...
how come everyone also wan to watch... then we went to PS, it was selling fast... no choice we checked the access machine (is that how u spell it?) for availability in JP! haha... there was practically no one lor! haha... we quietly booked it and took bus back... was a long bus ride but we had mobile tv accompanying us and chit-chats along the way... i just hope i din seem to distracted, i can't really multi task... haha...
the movie was fab! haha... now my fav genre would be fantasy! haha... cos anything is possible! and it's fun to imagine all kinds of possiblity... saw the thrillers at the start of the movie and seems like more and more fantasy films are making their way to the theater! haha, good! then my holis will not be too boring! :)
by the time when our "little outing" ended, it was 2 plus! haha... but only slept at 6! haha... must be thinking why we are up so late? Yp, Ky and me were talking... haha... making plans for the upcoming holis! :P came up with a few! let's hope we can fulfil all of them...
Wednesday, November 14
i really din meant it... really...
:( my mood swings are getting from bad to worse... :(
I can't slp!!!
Tuesday, November 13
today was the day for allocation of FYPs... and guess what?
*a big toothy grin* I got my first choice! :P i would bw working with Prof Featherstone! :P
happy indeed! a gd thing that come of my lousy sch year...
A very big congrads for Ash! haha... glad that she gt the job! :P deserved a celebration after exams wor!
that's it for now... tata...
yuppieee!!! I finally handed in my last assignment today le! haha... so happy... one last load off my shoulder... :) should have finished a long long time ago, but i just cannot bring myself to continue doing after like 2 hours... so drag till this long... overall, was happy...
somehow, my feeling towards hall had totally changed... now i can't even bear to bring myself to go back unless it is absolute necessary... i also dun know why... kerry asked me dun i missed hall? i answered him, not really but i do miss my frens in hall... sigh... how how??? my last year in hall leh, i dun wan to end it this way... just hope this feeling will somehow fade then i will be happy to go back to hall once again!
had my ever-tiring kicking boxing session, it is getting more and more tough! the instructor is really out to stretch every of our muscle! but he is gd!! i never regreted signing up! i recommend everyone to go take part... :) going to foresee 2 days of body aching le... :(
was on my way back when i heard this over the radio, "how would u feel if u saw someone that looks exactly one day walking past u?" hmmm... a lot of ans were, they would be totally freak out, hmm mayb not freak out but shocked... i wonder how i would feel? actually, i dun know wor.. i might be surprised wor... may even take a pic with the person... haha... then the dj said that she heard from someone that there would be 6 other ppl in this world that would look like you... if it is true, i wonder what would the other 6 be doing now and living what kind of life... it would be kind of interesting to find out, dun u think so? :)
last but not least, for those who missed me... muahahha...

Friday, November 9
OH NO!!! I lost my $50 Robinsons voucher!!! %$&^%$^& can't seem to find it anywhere... &%^%*& there goes my shopping after exams... :(
some pics overdue from supper hop...

before we set off...

on the bus ride, towards our first stop... :)

Wednesday, November 7
.... still gt a little portion of my assignment and i will be done! :S i started like dockey years ago and i'm still not done... seriously i also dun know what i am doing... it just feels like any other day but it's EXAMS next week!! OMG!!! i seriously need to get things done quickly... :(
help me...
Tuesday, November 6
went for muscle bio tutorial this afternoon... sigh... if i known, i dun think i would even show up lor...
apparently, someone complained to the prof regarding the way how he conducted the quiz yesterday... saying that the way he asked the students to go infront in batches to mark is very inefficiently and lazy on his part... the person also mentioned about the fact that ppl cheated during the quiz... sigh... the way the email was written was also not very nice lah... the words the person used is also very strong... it seems like he/she feels very strongly about this issue... i guess in this issue, the way the prof handled it was not very correct too... by disclosing the exact content of the email and made certain comments that seem inappropreiate in this situation... and i think the prof gt the concept of peer marking totally wrong... it is true that we had peer marking in the past, but the way the other prof did it was more acceptable... she did not increase the possibility of ppl cheating... at least, we felt that it was more fair in this way... at least, she corrected all the answer scripts and then distributed to everyone, ensuring that no one gt back their own paper... not only was the calling of ppl to the front in batches is not efficient, it is also very disruptive to those who had not finished...
now i just hope that there is no need to retake the quiz... :(
look what i found outside my room when i woke up???

haha... so cute! so fat and chubby! :)
it is using my shoe bag as it's slping bag... din even realised that it was until ash told me... :)
another reason not staying in hall for exams... too much late night talks... haha, not to say i dun like, just that it can be quite detrimental to studying... haha... i now a bit lacking in the area of self decipline, must get away in order not to be even tempted to join in the first place... mayb after the exams... :) glad that i stayed for one night, at least i was kept updated with the news that is happening ard my frens... haha, it was fun! a bit of stress reliever although i was not feeling any much of stress lately... speaking of that, what is wrong with me??? not feeling any stress at all, even up till this point... it is not just restricted to me... ppl ard me also experiencing the same situation... why??? seriously i had no idea... i just hope i can feel a sense of urgency to even finish studying... :(
Monday, November 5
just finished my quiz... was a bit taken aback by the format of the paper... i tot he said either MCQ or fill in the blanks... turned out to have descriptive questions aka short answer Qs... :S what the... and he keep talking during the quiz... i know he meant well but it is pretty disruptive lah... i bearly had the tots in my mind and one word from him chased all of them away... :S anyway, it is over... then i can concentrate on my last assignment which i had started like dockey years ago and din have the time and mind to finish it... i must finish it within these 2 days then i can finally concentrate on my exams...
i just realised that today was the 5th and i only had slightly more than a week to exams... so scary ah! i know it was near but i din know it was that near... aiyo, must buck up le! anyway, must find a way to cure my slpy disease that strikes shortly after i wake up... :(
on a side note, i starting to plan what i wanna do after exams le... anyone interested in hitting the beach??
Sunday, November 4
was reading blogs of my frens a while ago...
thanks san for mentioning us in your blog again! :) time really passes very fast... 10 years liao... our friendship is 10 years old le! a bit cannot believe sia... haha... we all had matured over the years, different experiences in our lives had made us who we are now... we mayb diff from what we used to be... but i am not worried that there is any change in our friendship cos i know u guys will accept me, regardless of what... :) i'm really happy to have u guys as my friends! can't for u to come back then we can celebrate our 11th year together!! muahaha...
having flashbacks lately... KY was rite, look within myself and see what i have and not magnify on the fact of what i dun have... indeed i was more fortunate than a lot of ppl... i should be happier about what i have ard me... :)
beginning to see the light... :)
the more i study the more tired i get... this is bad... WAKE UP!!!
the tot of me not able to finish studying for the quiz is stressing me out... sigh... anyway, i should blog about happier stuff...
hehe... had a satisfying dinner tonight... went out with my parents for dinner, even though it was just coffee shop food, but it's the company that's impt... eating at the same table and talking just about anything under the sky... :) and there seem to be gd news coming from my jay chou tics! hehe.. keeping my fingers crossed first as nothing is being confirmed at this moment.. :P
mayb today shall take things easy and work hard later... :) let my mind have some rest...
Friday, November 2
sigh, fate of my jay chou concert tics are still uncertain... :( seems like everyone in singapore has a ocbc debit or credit card... arghh... *cross fingers* let's hope i can get it...
woke up with a rather sluggish feeling... also dun know why, i seems to slp rather early yest... but some how, it does not feel enough... woke at 1130am, study for a hour and half, then took a half hour nap... still feels tired... oh my god! how to finish studying like that... :(
gt to jia you!
Thursday, November 1
arghhh.... i'm so sick and tired of trying to access the stoopid sistic webbie!!! i cannot believe the traffic flow... when i am ready to pay for the tics, it will stop loading... damn damn damn!!! :(
i have to trouble Edmund for helping me too... sigh... today is just not my day...
woke up with the feeling that i had not gotten enough slp, then study for a while and i fell aslp!!! i cannot believe myself! *smack my head* forced myself to be awake and study for a while b4 heading to coffee shop to get some food... realised that i bought a little too much for afternoon tea... ended up i have to force myself to eat everything down, leaving very little room for dinner... :(
and my progress is damn slow!!!
arghhh.. i hate today!