Monday, March 26
weekend is over again!!!! i cannot believe it... time passes damn fast... i always felt that there is not enough time for me to rest, to study or even watch tv... :(
readings are piling up... :( quizes seem to b-never ending... :( and exams are coming soon... i need to buck up this sem! very impt to me...
Wednesday, March 21
*6th month together!*
:) time passes very fast... already 6 months together le... has a pre-celebration on sat though cos bf gt quiz today...
was supposed to meet at 1pm but i was going to b late... so i smsed boyfren saying i will b late... but no reply... -_-" i just got this feeling that boyfren was still slping cos he told me the night before he was going to stay up to study... so i called him and no one picked up... that sort of confirmed my doubt.... damn sianz lor... so i just waited at home, waiting for him to call me... and he did at almost 1.45pm... he was lucky that i had not went out first, if not, he is so going to get it lor...
in the end, we reached city hall at about 3pm... 2 hungry ppl walking towards marina square to buy movie tics b4 they can find something to eat... took some time to decide what movie... by the time, we finished buying the tics, was already about 4 plus le...
went to Waraku to eat Jap food... yum yum... let the pics do the talking... :P

Look how eager boyfren was when all the food arrived... :)
the food was real nice! hehe... but a bit of fried food overdose... shall not order so many fried items.. hehe... jap food is goooooddd.... muahahaha...
after the dinner cum lunch, we proceeded on to some window shopping... boyfren saw this stick massager with cat soft toy attached... keep wanting to buy and hang at my door... i was like pulling and distracting him away from that... dun waste $$ mah... can buy other useful things... :) also dun know why he is so amused by it... *shrugs*
movie watched: music and lyrics... the first 10 mins was damn corny... haha... could not stop laughing at the mtv... then boyfren suggested should make the freshies dance the routine... totally for that idea! haha... see how we can incorporate that... muahahahah... evil...
it was a relaxing show... never knew that hugh grant could actually sing... quite surprised... not too bad bah... went to leech the songs from my fren... hehe... but i still the mtv was unforgetable... hahaha...
aiyah! need to go back to hit my hrm notes le...
To be continued... :)
Tuesday, March 20
*a long week*
the week just started but how come i feel as though i had been through the whole week... :(
Sunday, March 11
*happy date*
today boyfriend and me went to village for dinner... was very hungry wor...


I think we were too hungry le, finished everything within like 15 mins? haha, 2 hungry pigs...

Look at the empty plates... :P not feeling full, went to order crepes... *yum yum*

Ham & cheese crepes!!! hehe...
I think today is the "act cute" day... haha...

after dinner, we went to catch a movie, the pursuit of happiness. It was not too bad a movie... quite touching, we witnessed the power of love... How the father tried his very best to provide his son, even as he is only left with a few dollars in his pocket... :( so sadz...
If everyone has the time, y not go watch this film? :)
Saturday, March 10
*weird tots*
Have u ever have the feeling of loneliness even though u are together with a group of frens? Like u mayb laughing and smiling with them but there is no connection at all... topics does not seem to link at all... feeling totally not at ease... not saying things that u really mean... somehow it might even feel a chore?
I admit i am not a gd fren to others... often do things that i would not want them to happen to myself... :( dun know why also... self-protect mechanism? dun know... I think i have lousy interpersonal skills, a bit difficult to communicate with others... might give ppl the feeling that i dun care a damn... but it is not really the case, i just dun know how to phrase it in another way... weird weird stuff will just pop out of my mouth... and i'm sure that ppl must have felt that i am weird... wan to make conversation but always not knowing what to say... therefore just keep quiet... I seem to be always be the one walking behind the main grp, wan to join them but dun know how to cut in without seeming rude... so i just chose to keep quiet and try to listen on... most of the time i realised i dun know the topic that they are discussing... it just make me feels sad... even up till now... no offense to anyone in particular, i just felt at times that i am actually dispensible... not needed by anyone... sad right... u must be wondering who in the right mind would think this way...
mayb i think too much le... needed a outlet to let out my tots...
Friday, March 2
*Random tots*
went out for dinner with my parents, only me, dad and mom. Big Bro gt lessons, took the lappie with me, leaving "laptopless" for the whole day... *bleah* then 2nd Bro as usual working late... seriously this kind of working hours he also can take it? if i were him, would have gone mad already... everyday more than 12 hours a day... but what to do? the pay is not bad...
anyway, i was not really thrilled to go out cos i wanted to pop by popular to stock up on stationary and i din really wanted to go out in the afternoon tml as i was planning to mug for my quiz on tue... but decided to go with them as they waited for me to finish bathing even though i know that they are hungry... but i think i was a bit sulking along the way... *smacks myself* lousy attitude, rite? although they did try to pacify me by saying that i can also get them there, but i know it is impossible...
reaching the coffee shop, being the sulky picky me, i could not find anything that really appeal to me... went to walk ard but still... as i was just stopping a while in front of this claypot stall selling frog legs, my mom walked over to me and ask me what i wanted... i just shrugged my shoulders... she pointed to the stall and asked me why not order from this stall... eager assistant grabbed the chance to ask us what we wanted... i just said anything lor... and my mom placed her order... it was nt very cheap wor... in the past, we never ordered anything that is "expensive" for dinner... my dad will always order the cheapest ard and save up the money... need to support us thr sch... having 3 children is not cheap at all... to think that i always reach out my hand to get money from my dad... as the lazy gene in me gets activated, not working for what i wanted... he is always willing to spend the money on us...
at that moment, i really feel ashamed of myself... seeing all the things that they had done, and i was still not contended...
next time, will try not to get money from them unless necessary... will work hard for what i wanted to buy... when i started working, will bring them to eat gd food, buy gd clothes and travel ard... make up to them... I will do it!