*Happy CNY!*
1st day of CNY as usual means staying at home and rest... hehe... dun ask me why i am not out visiting relatives... it has always been like this for me since dun know when...
slp the whole day, woke up to do some work... yeah, sch-related stuff... *sadz* watched a bit of show on youtube... that about wraps up my whole day... tml will be a busy day though... relatives will be coming over to have lunch... at least time will pass faster...
what silly boyfren gave me for Vday...

A dozen of donuts... still trying to finish them... bleah...
must be a secret ploy to make me fat...

a cute little plant with "I love u" craved on its seeds... :)

Thanks for all the pressies! :)
Skipping the one hour of HRM today... hehe... later going out with boyfren for post-vday celebrations... :P boyfren also need to buy new year clothes... i very broke le... bleah... yest just spent a bomb on some necessities... :( boohoo... lucky cny coming.. haha...
been going home frequently lately... hmm... somehow staying in hall not so appealing le... not to mention expensive... mayb not staying in hall after DnD? at least finish my event first... *sigh* think i am going to miss the hall life...
Happy Valentine's Day to all!!! Esp Boyfren! :)
Thanks for the pressies... very totful!! :P
I am not being sarcastic...
mayb i am being too demanding, mayb i am being too unreasonable... but at that point in time, i do feel that way...
Dun know how to bring my point across to u, dun know how to even say... really dun know...
I just wish things were not like that...
Hated eating dinner alone... at least when i was at home, i still gt TV to accompany me... in hall, i dun even have TV... and i tot i had said gd bye to days of eating alone...
*blurring... *
I think there is something wrong with my vision... Even when wearing glasses, things does not seem as clear as before... hmmm... i wonder if it is an increase in my shortsightedness... better not wor... need to go check it out cos i need to buy new contact lens...
Just went for a basic medical checkup near Can A... It is really very basic... haha... but it's free mah, so go lor... managed to drag YP to go with me... Everything was within the healthy range... :) at least I know i am healthy... Just need to go get my eyes checked... :P
Time passes very fast these days... In a wink of the eye, it is another day le... but i not really enjoying every single day... there are always things waiting to b done... once u finished, u realised there will b another task waiting for u... *bleah*
Can the days dun pass so fast??? I wanna enjoy my every single day!
Can anyone pause the time for me, pretty pls?
*Happenings for the past week or so*
We won second! muahhaha... so happy for the team! even though i never had a chance to play towards the end, I was happy that we won and our hard work paid off... all the training and batting practices... :)
Next year we shall do our best and "retreat" with glory.... hahaha...
Been busy with various stuff... they seem to be not ending wor... bleah... sianz...