Monday, October 30
Finally done with my 306 assignment le... really finally.... spend the entire weekend and this late afternoon to do... mentally drained... :( need to catch up on my revision le...
301 = have nt started
302 = have nt started
305 = have nt started
306 = 4 1/2 lectures
308 = 3 lectures
309 = 4 lectures
with like 17 days... i am so dead...
Thursday, October 26
why am i still up at this time???
trying to interpret some stoopid data that looks like greek to me... :(
juggling studying and doing assignments and reports these days... seems like very demanding... *smacks forehead* that reminds me i have not even started on my 306 assignment... :(
need some serious pampering on myself... Shopping sounds like a fantastic idea! motivation to study...
Tuesday, October 24
*First Month Anniversary*

We will have many more to come... :)
Monday, October 16
*Alex's Birthday Celebration*
celebrated Alex's bday on sat with the usual gang at Geylang's No signboard resturant... ordered a lot of food, some requested by the bday boy himself... he was fascinated with the variety of meat that they are selling... one of which was crocodile meat... actually, it tasted like chicken, chicken breast meat to b specific... not too bad i would say...

forgot to take the crabs that we ordered... was huge! weighed at a total of 5kg! :) damn delicious! recommend u guys to go try...
birthday boy himself...

nice birthday cake... first time i had seen such a shiny one though... Alex said it looked like grass jelly while aud said it looked like guilinggao...

wanted to give him a surprise, however the waitress spoiled it by asking him whether he wan the cake out now... *diaoz* so smart lah... everytime also like that... we always failed in giving surprises, all thanks to the waitresses... they always never failed to ask the "correct" person... *bleah*
gave him a watch as pressie... he seem like he liked it alot... haha, but then it is Alex... not much expression on his face... haha... Must wear to every gathering from now on wor! :)
back to studying le... *boo*
Friday, October 13
*Blood Donation*
hehe... went to donate blood today... glad that i went today... saw the crowd for the first 2 days! it was horrible!!! could have donated then but i did not want to go alone... so i can only go when Boyfriend's free... he also dun let me go alone too... scared that i might faint (gt fainted once b4 after blood donation but that was like dockey years ago...)... so yeah lor, can only go today...
seriously they should have more staff to help put... to shorten the horrible waiting time... average waiting time was about one to one and half... i used 2 hours to donate blood!!! can u imagine how much things i could achieved during that 2 hours? *sigh* not that i wan to complain... but... furthermore, i think they should have more than one donation drive in one sem... at least 2 pre sem... judging by the crowd, i dun think it is a prob to attract ppl to go...
today was exceptionally slow due to the fact that there is another blood donation drive over at raffles place... thus, most of the stuff went over there to help out... leaving them with only a few staff to attend to the ever growing crowd... *bleah* got a little bruise on my arm... requested to draw from my left hand as i had another lecture shortly after the donation... one of my fav lecturers who talked quite a bit and need to jot down notes... therefore, i would need my right hand in working condition...

Wednesday, October 11
went to slp almost immediately writing the last post... how useless i can get... *smacks my head* this explains why i am once again up at this strange time where every1 would be sound asleep... totally hated this period now... reports have to be handed up, pending assignments dateline, tutorials that u cannot skip and not do (%*&$^&*$%^@$) and this quiz coming right up... still need to squeeze time out to start studying for exams... arghhh... why time passes so fast??? i seriously need more time... :(
Lack of slp has made Cat a grumpy and whiny gal... :(
In serious need of some pampering...
I realised that i am not cut out to do last min work... now rushing my report which is like due tml... but i already cannot concentrate le... *sian* short attention span... arghhh... i am so dead le...
help me...
Tuesday, October 10
Up at an unearthly hour... to do what???
*sigh* to do tutorials... what else is new? been trying to keep awake till late but always fail... wanting to wake up after a short "nap" but also failed... what can i do? cannot do without sleep... too huge a temptation le...
mayb it is a good thing that i have no lecture later... then at least can try to finish up most of my tutorials... :(
Monday, October 9
*No life*
I seem to have a hectic life... should b reading notes now... but can't help to slack a bit... another slpless nite... :( i miss my bed so much... i realised that i dun have much worries as compared to others... or should i say my worries are like nothing compared to other ppl... nowadays i only worry whether i can finish up my lab report on time, whether i can finish doing my tutorial on time or even will i do well for this coming exams... See! all so sch-related... slowly turning into a nerd le... *bleah*
some pics that were taken in lab... can u guess what are they??? hehe... taken thr the lens of the microscope... :)

At least i gt an extra person to share all these crap with... :) One that can tolerate my mood swings, my crappiness, my demands... One that i know i can depend on regardless of what happened... One that never fails to bring a smile to my face regardless what time of the day... One that can think of little surprises to make my day... One that is ever thoughtful and sweet... haha... think i am praising him too much le... wait he swell up and float to the sky...
But lastly, I am lucky to have u by my side... :)
Tuesday, October 3
hmmm... should be sleeping at this unearthly hour... *sigh* was up doing my tutorials... never knew that a lecturer could give so many questions, if not, could post the tutorial just one day before... really sickening! blame them for my dark eye rings!
heard some news from a fren yest... never knew that his journey was not as smooth as we tot it would be... mayb his happy-go-lucky is just a disguise... *sigh* as compared to him, i am so much much xin fu le... at least i wake up everyday with a smile and not a frown... All thanks to U... *hee*
I hope everything would turn out fine for him... *fingers crossed*